CNN created "fake news" and staged protests in which Muslim residents purportedly protested a 3 June 2017 attack in London.
On 4 June 2017, the day after seven people were killed in an attack in London subsequently claimed by the Islamic State, conspiracy theorists claimed that CNN International “staged” a demonstration by Muslims condemning the incident the next day.
A video published to YouTube by Twitter user Markantro on 4 June 2017 was a primary source for the rumor:
The claims spread widely from there, with right-leaning American blog Gateway Pundit leading the charge in presenting it as an example of “fake news” in the making.According to multiple versions of the rumor, the Twitter user (@Markantro) happened across the scene of CNN’s staging or fabricating a report on Muslims’ protesting the attacks in London. But nothing suggested that CNN “staged” the demonstrations to any extent greater than engaging protesters, directing their positions, and asking them questions as part of a news segment.Those spreading the rumor claimed that the same person appeared in different videos wearing the same unique pink trousers, a dead giveaway that the person was a “paid protester.” However, rumor-mongers did not elaborate as to why multiple photographs of the same protester indicated perfidy rather than multi-outlet coverage of the same protest.
The Daily Wire similarly speculated that the demonstrations were wholly falsified by CNN rather than simply reported on:
CNN International (CNNi) staged a backdrop of persons — presumably Muslims, including women in hijabs — during a Sunday news segment in London regarding the previous evening’s mass murder Islamic terrorist attack in the U.K. capital.CNNi likely sought to hype a narrative of widespread Muslim opposition to the Islamic State (ISIS) and Islamic terrorism, more broadly.
Video captured by Twitter user @markantro shows CNNi’s Becky Anderson directing the ostensibly anti-jihad Muslims to appear as backdrops for a live segment.Nothing in any of the rumors provided definitive (or even shaky) evidence that the protests were staged (by CNN or any other party) for the purposes of favorable media coverage. Mediaite’s coverage of the claims highlighted the public’s unfamiliarity with the process of reporting live news:
For those not familiar with live news production, it is actually not that uncommon for hosts and producers to arrange protesters or pedestrians behind reporter to provide a varied background. Sources familiar with this live shoot tell Mediaite that the protesters (“Muslim Mothers”) were already very near the location and the Police simply allowed them to move behind Ms. Anderson and crew.That said, there is reason to fairly critique this as “editorializing” the shoot and not just reporting the news. And in a climate where CNN is feeling a lot of criticism — most of which is unfounded — from the conservative corners of the Internet, this footage won’t help their cause.
CNN also provided a statement about the rumors terming them to be “nonsense”: This story is nonsense. The group of demonstrators that was at the police cordon was being allowed through by officers so they could show their signs to the gathered media. The CNN crew along with other media present simply filmed them doing so.
CNN’s Twitter public relations account responded to a tweet alleging that the coverage was staged, again describing the claims as “nonsense”: